Response to clerical survey concerns expressed at the May 2 Personnel Board Meeting. 1979.


Response to clerical survey concerns expressed at the May 2 Personnel Board Meeting. 1979.

39 p. (in various pagings) : form ; 29 cm.

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Wisconsin. Personnel Board (corporateBody)

The Personnel Board dates back to the Civil Service Commission (WIHV87-A1624) established in 1905, but was created within the Bureau of Personnel (WIHV88-A116) when the commission was abolished and the bureau was created in 1929 (Chapter 465). The Board was placed within the Department of Administration (WIHV85-A694) when the Department was created in 1959 (Chapter 228), was subsequently removed in 1961 (Chapter 645), and then reattached for administrative purposes in 1967 (Chapter ...

Main, Deborah. (person)

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Wisconsin. Division of Personnel (corporateBody)

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